This is sweet little Carson. He will be 3 at the end of April. He thinks he is much older since he skipped all the kid stuff and went right into playing power rangers and transformers with his big brother Davis who is 5. This past Saturday Carson was playing Captain America with my Aunt Jeni, he had a shield and some sort of thing he called a laser gun. He was shooting at her and she was ducking and then he put up the shield and said "Let's Fight". Then he got this puzzled look on his face and lowered the shield and looked at me and said "How do you fight?"
So people, how do you answer that question...how do you teach your little people about fighting? I guess on the upside at 3 they don't remember much and he has already forgotten to ask...but I am afraid it won't be long and he will figure it out...
And, yes I know those are swim goggles. He insisted on wearing them in the snow. The snow family he helped build wore them too. Then he wore them to bed.