Saturday, March 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Marissa!

Happy 6th Birthday to Marissa--one of the cutest red heads we know!
Here is Carson swinging away.

And Harper, the only baby there playing in the toddler area all by herself.

Until Carson tackles her.

Carson enjoyed the toddler area quite a bit too.

Here she is, fresh out of the tunnel!

And, Marissa and Leap. Marissa is star student at school this week. Davis had so much fun doing that this past fall. Speaking of Davis...where was he and why is he not in any pictures....during play time he was hard to be found, those kindergarten kids are wild!

Indoor Egg Hunt!

Keith took the boys up to Carson's preschool this morning for their indoor egg hunt.
From the looks of things they scored big.

But I think they ate a lot of candy as the baskets were fairly empty when they got home!

Happy 39th Birthday Keith!

And, happy first cake to Harper. She was quick to try that out!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Davis was reader of the day today!

Here is Davis reading to the class. Each of the kids take turns picking a book and reading it to everyone. Davis picked Brown Bear Brown Bear last time he read (in February) and this month (or today) he read Mr. Brown can Moo can You?

He did a great job, his favorite part is the summary page with all the noises at the end.

At the end the "audience" gets to pass the "microphone" and the reader what he did well. He picked his friends Tyler, Jacob and Daddy to tell him. Tyler said he liked it when he used his loud voice, Jacob liked the book he picked and Daddy, he liked the last page he read the best.

50 Weeks Old Today!

I put the clip in, she takes it out and gives it to me...we did this for quite a while, it was a fun game. I did give up and say to heck with it let's just get a picture today.
Yes, she likes playing the hair clip game.

Ta Dah, she got it. I swear I have the tallest skinniest baby around. This girl needs 18M length and 12M waist. If only her Momma had that issue...

Now she will give you the clip.

Now she will pretend to go night night.
Favorite word: Da Da
Favorite song: Anything she can clap to.
Favorite food: Cheerios
Favorite games: Peek a Boo and Night Night
Favorite past time: Covering mommy in snot and biting her.
Favorite color: Well, pink of course!

Monday, March 22, 2010


It has been a week. Harper started to not feel really well last Sunday when we went to Wichita...and it just snowballed from there into fevers and rough nights all week long. She has an ear infection and her nose is a faucet of green snot. Finally Keith relented to antibiotics. She has had three doses so far and is not improving yet...but maybe tomorrow she will be back to herself again. I miss her happy face. Seeing her so sad is hard.

In other news, I am trying to let myself not be so darn worked up over this crazy health care bill and focus on praying for our country because ultimately I have no control. It is not about the fundamental ideals behind the intent of the bill--yes I think everyone is entitled to care and that our system is broken and needs repair, but we need to fix what is broke not create another government run program...we already see how well the others we have created have worked for us.....what will it take for us to learn from our mistakes? Oh how I hope November brings change.

A Nebraska senator posted this on his facebook page today--Obama's healthcare plan is written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress which has not read it, signed by a President who smokes, funded by a Treasury Chief who did not pay his taxes, overseen by a Surgeon General who is obese, and financed by a country who is nearly broke. What could possibly go wrong?

In other news, today was Davis' first day back at school after break and today the sun is out and it is melting the snow. Yeah for that! Carson said the sun was gonna burn it to the ground (the snow that is). Let it burn!

Happy First Day of Spring!

This is from our front door, and it is what we woke up to on the first day of spring. Doesn't that make you wanna go get your flip flop on or what?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy Go Lucky is 50 Weeks Old

This girl has been a snotty coughy girl this week. Will the snot ever end???
Keith says "it is just a cold". I heard that on Tuesday when Carson had a fever too...just a we have a lot of colds around here.

I want to be General Grievous!

You never know what you are going to come home to around here. Sometimes it is chaos and times it is...well a different type of chaos. Today, it was all about the light sabers....and everyone wanted to be General Grievous. Well...except Carson, he said he was going to be General Grievous' grandma. Now that...that was funny. I guess in our world those "grandma's" are good fighters.

Quick Road Trip

On Sunday we made a quick road trip to Wichita, Keith's Dad was not well and in the hospital. Before we left to head back home I had to take a picture of this--if you click on the pictures you will see the sign on top of the garage. You see, Keith's Dad has retired. And..apparently when you retire you add on to your garage. Mind you they have a house with a garage, but behind the house they have another two car garage...then they added the Garaj Mahal. Yes, I know this garage has a car lift in it...but I am sure there is someone out there with garage love that can relate. Just find it funny...always thought you paired down to less stuff as time went on...but maybe not, maybe we will add on a garage, or two ourselves one day, who knows.

The trip of course was not a "fun" trip, but this was definitely the highlight for me. On our way home check out Carson's hand, he is talking to Harper and trying to get her to hold his hand.

And, she did. They held hands and giggled a good bit of the way. So sweet.
In other news, Keith's Dad is home now and improving every day,


Keith took Friday off of work, the one day he took off for Spring Break....but we made the most if it with a trip to Co Co Key. We were there all day and the kids had a great time--even Harper. She floated in the lazy river for hours and really seemed to have a good time. There was even a little boy that floated up to her (he was maybe 8) and asked her "if it was her first time here, or if she comes here often". That was funny.
Davis is a fish.

And Carson was hard to keep track of. I really wish you could put micro chips on your kids like you can pets....sure would come in handy. I know...the big brother tracking thing not so good...but the locating them when they go missing...that is good...

I think Davis got a face full on that trip down.

Aha the sippy cup. This girl needs to embrace it.

On the other hand, eating people food, she has that skill down.

Carson, barely stopped to eat, as you can see he is pretty pleased with the trip...I assure you we try to teach them some manners...but oh it is so hard and we get worn down. Wear your goggles to lunch if you must little C.

Spring Break Begins!

With a little TV of course. How else do you start a good Spring Break? Of course I am posting this and it is the last day of Spring Break....and it has been beautiful the last few days and tomorrow--snow. Serious Spring Tease.

Carson loves Bill

I went to Carson's school last week on Thursday to be "snack mom" for the day. Ms Cyndi was nice and took Harper for a bit after snacks so I could watch the kids play. Of course Carson played mostly with his friend Bill. He loves Bill. He asked me if he could have him for his birthday....I am not quite sure that Bill's momma wants to give him up.
Here is Carson eating snack. PROOF that the kid likes to eat every once in a while. I should show him this....

or is he eating only because Bill is by his side? Hmm.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

49 Weeks Old and she does dishes. I think we will keep her.

I do think we need to explain that when you are unloading the dishwasher you don't put everything in your mouth.

I also wish that I found doing dishes half as exciting as she does. She just looks at everything with such joy. What a great way to be.