Since we didn't go out of town for Spring Break I went shopping. Keith is making fun of me for taking pictures, but at this point I am calling this an experiment. I won't photo everything I buy for long. I have decided that 1) I sure buy some crap we don't need (i.e. junk food) and maybe I will stop doing it and 2) to keep me honest about how much I am really spending on stuff.
Maybe the pictures will help me plan better.
So all of this was from Walgreens, CVS and Price Chopper. I may "have" to go back to CVS. I left some free stuff there I walked away from and it is bugging me. Overall I think this was a good trip. I did five transactions at CVS to roll my ECBs and not have to pay much OOP (out of pocket).
Walgreens--two laundry detergents-$4
CVS--two boxes of diapers, bandaids, neosporin, 2 puffs, big papertowl and tp pkg, lots of easter candy-good thing the kids don't read this and will be surprised when the bunny brings it, free gum, two toothpaste-free, and two deoderant--nearly free $35
Price Chopper--everything else. Not pictured are more smoothies and frozen ice cream treats for the kids (3 boxes, blue bunny) Got four boxes of cereal, and a whole lot of yogurt. And some free eggs! Great sale on chicken so almost 23lbs of meat. Total -$131.
I realize people keep their grocery bill down to $200 or $300 a month, but I am just not that good at this yet...or rather I have not learned what to "give up" yet to get it there. Right now this is a fun game to see if we can do it...in time...we shall see, but for now I will keep obsessing about "free" stuff and stock piling cereal and laundry detergent.