Here is Harper tipping the scales at 14.65lbs. I guessed she was close to 15, so I was not too far off. What I did not guess though is that she was 26.25 inches long. HOLY COW
SISTAH, where do you get that from? She is 75-90% in weight and 95-100% in height. Her head is 16". I guess that is normal...but then again, I don't really understand what that is for..
At her one week check up she was 7lbs 3.5oz, 20.25 inches long and 14" head.
At two months she was 11lbs 7oz, 23.25 inches long and 15" head.
And yesterday (7/29) she was 14lbs 6.5oz, 26.25 inches long and 16" head.
Now at least I know why all of her tops look like crop tops, and no that is not a good look on a baby.

And here is goofy Keith making fun of me for taking pictures at a well child visit. They all make fun of me...apparently I am the only person they have ever seen bring a camera to these things. I think it is not me, it is everyone else that is odd. So Ha!
Also important to note that Harper got two shots yesterday and guess who "conveniently" had to duck out before the shots happened....something about having a patient to care for...whatever you gotta tell yourself, weenie. I say you owe me for making me be the one that stayed!