Here is Harper having a special moment with the space alien-esque bunny.
Davis with some very blue teeth.
When your kids fall asleep before you leave their room you know it was a good day....and really it has been like that all weekend around here!
Friday Davis was sitting in the pick up area at school when a little boy was "swinging" at him (Davis' words) so Davis punched him. UGH. Not what you want to hear on a Friday, so he lost his jump for joy for the week and he lost a fun Friday activity for making a poor choice in that situation--and now I must go locate our hands are not for hitting book so we can practice the good things that hands are for. The worst part about it is that it was with the boy that lives behind us and Keith and his father had a bet on who would get in trouble first. That is SO wrong! Praying that does not happen least not anytime soon!
On Saturday Chuck and Jeni took the boys to the Zoo. It was a wonderful peaceful time at the Ratzlaff house that day---Keith worked outside, I cleaned the house and we were able to get a lot done in preparation for a BBQ we were having at our house on Sunday. We had close to 100 people come and it was lot of fun, so much so that I again failed to take pictures! However, I did get the dance party pics on the back deck that were taken when we were cleaning up - now that was funny! Terri teaching Davis to tell me that I was a buzz kill when I turned off the music might not be as funny if he tries that at school this week.
It is probably because last year we looked over and he had a Spiderman mask on his face and we laughed. I think I will pass on the picture. Thanks though!