At the beginning of each game the kids get together and repeat some rules. It is funny because they don't even understand half of the words they are saying...but by golly they try to repeat them. Can't they just say, be nice, share and please don't hit? Heck even with that they lost me at be nice. At the games they promise to blah ba blah blah blah...and I wonder do they really think this is a teaching moment b/c you lost their attention ages ago and all they hear is whah wa whah wa wha wa.
The awkward dribble. He is getting better!
We will miss this weeks game, Keith is taking the boys to the Monster Truck show. Just typing that makes me feel a bit redneckish. I don't get why we have a game on a "holiday" weekend. When there is no school on Monday most people go do something...poor team only has five players on Saturday! They will get a work out!
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