Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer, week three.

Well...behind on posting photos and updating blog. We can blame Pinterest for that, it is my new obsession. One I really need to take a break from b/c nap time has turned into pinning time instead of cleaning time and I think Keith has noticed....eek...

Today we went to the pool and played with neighbor friends. Tomorrow maybe Deanna Rose...but mostly we need to lay low this week and get caught up on stuff (we shall see if that happens). Davis has soccer camp next week and then we leave 7/2 for WA.

Keith was sick for Father's Day so that was kind of a bummer. Still not great today, but he went to work. Guess he is better than Sunday?

We took the boys to Fork and Screen to see Mr. Popper's Penguins on Friday and then Sat night we went to Bocce Basement with friends. It was a blast. Need to go again. I think the cocktails in the car on the way made it even better.

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