Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer: Week Two

This week Davis has chess camp in the morning and VBS in the afternoon. Today that was followed by a pool party. I don't know if it wore them out, but it did me. How the boys found so much time to argue between 4 and 6 I don't know but I was considering taping them to a tree out front...or something to shut them up. Fingers crossed they don't do it again tomorrow or I might give it a try.

This week's VBS has 1200 kids in it an 500 volunteers this year, now that is one big VBS!

I did learn a lesson today. Between the two events this morning I took my kids and a few others out to lunch all by myself. Never. Ever. EVER again. What was I thinking. Why did I think I could swing it big family people, I am in awe.

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