Saturday, July 30, 2011

Always behind...

Well, that took awhile...but glad it is done. I have 1001 things to accomplish and as always no time to get it all done.

I really need a week without the kids...or a weekend...or a few is a fantasy I know, and I would miss them but it is impossible to get things together around here with their help.

Thursday Keith and I celebrated our 15th anniversary, never saw him all day so we are going to dinner and a movie tonight so that will be nice. We are going to Vegas in October..we can call that our celebration I suppose. That or the new camera that I went and got...that is sitting here in a box and I am afraid to use because "what if" I want something else...I hate making a decision because I can't stand to be without my camera rather than knowing for sure what I want. Is it too much to ask to want to take a few (or a dozen) home and play with them for a month and then decide...well, here is hoping the new Rebel is as awesome as my old one.

Looking forward to my friend Elizabeth coming to visit. She gets here on Monday and is staying until the 11th. Looking forward to catching up! Sharing that now since I may go blog AWOL again for awhile.

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