Monday, July 25, 2011


We got back late last night and the flights were fairly uneventful. Aside from the fact that none of the flights United had boarded people with kids first (REALLY stupid) and that they didn't sit any of us together (ALSO STUPID) and the wicked thunderstorm we bounced through on the second leg it was pretty good. No one slept, but Davis was a big helper. Carson was like a caged animal ready to run free and Harper kept asking to get off the plane and for people to "help" her. So...that was all pretty normal.

I am exhausted. The fire alarms went off at 3, Keith thought I should go fix it and he went back to sleep. The rest of us slept until 10 or so...I could still use a nap and a fire alarm repair person.

Many photos to come soon...or later this week. Gotta go give my washing machine a work out for a bit. I know it missed me.

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