Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lovin' his baby girl.

Miss Harper got up from her morning nap and Daddy got home from the movie just in time for a little lunch and football. I think she enjoyed her Daddy time. Of course, Keith is so sore from playing old man soccer on Friday night he can barely move and he can't bend to pick her up...but he can carry her OK it far so good anyway.

Couldy, with a side of meatballs.

Keith took the boys to see a movie this morning....little did I know when I suggested it that it was in 3D. Carson does not like 3D. I got a message from Keith a bit ago with this picture saying wish you were here...does that mean things are not going well? I will edit later with a full report. Eek...

An Update:
I guess all went well. Davis kept grabbing at the objects that appeared to be coming at him and Carson took it all in and didn't freak out. I call it a success! I asked Davis if he liked it and he said he did, then he told me that today it was sunny with a side of strawberries. So cute!
On a tooth update--Davis has FOUR more loose teeth. This kid is gonna be toothless come Christmas at this rate. How is this happening so fast...???

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Louisburg Cider Mill

Inside the pumpkin full of grain.
Carson is not quite 3.5 feet yet...

Davis is closing in on 4 ft.

My boys.

The Straw Castle Wall, what is on the other side???

We made it!

Harper's first hay ride (in utero doesn't count, right?)

The corn maze (again a first for Harper!).

We made it!

Searching for the perfect pumpkin.

Carson picks a pumpkin, for Harper. So sweet! It is the only pumpkin we bought.


Carson loves to feed the goats.

Davis loves his "new teeth". They glow in the dark, and now Keith and Davis are hanging out in our pantry. Good times!

Here is the cutest pumpkin of the year, or cute to the core as her shirts suggests (it is an apple cider mill afterall).
It was a long morning but a good one. Glad we made it this year, we had not been in a few years and the boys had a great time!

The Second Tooth is Gone!

Well, we were on our way out the door this morning and Davis decided to yank his tooth out. Sure, it was loose...but we thought it would be another week. We also thought the blood would freak him out, but it didn't bother him a bit.

Happy Harper

Just a few pictures of my princess when we were making dinner last night. She is a great helper!

Friday, September 25, 2009


That is when the meltdown began for Carson today. I had hoped to take the boys to Louisburg Cider Mill today as it is beautiful outside and we should be out not in...but Carson was acting tired around noon and I should have just said to heck with it and put him to bed them, I was a mistake. He then was a pile of tantrum and off to bed he went. I should know better than to forgo nap time...but it is really at an inconvenient time of the day...oh well, maybe tomorrow morning we will make it to Louisburg!

On a positive note, Davis has been strugging in school to earn his weekly rewards. They have a frog that has to stay on the lily pad all week to earn a jump for joy reward. You get one warning and then your frog gets flipped. He had not earned one in two weeks because he has struggles with paying attention, listening and focusing (kind of like his Daddy), but this week he had a better week and while he got two warnings, the frog stayed on the pad. Yahoo! He was rewarded by me with a trip to McDonalds, I had not taken him there since before school started so he was pleased!

As for Harper, she has a rattle in her chest and a cough, but she is still good!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I will get the turtle!

Oh so close...
Aha! I got it!
Not that she knows what to do with it next, but she got it!
On a feeding update, we tried green beans last night and tonight. I know I need to keep trying it like I did the cereal to see if she will like it or not, but so far she is not wild about food. She is warming up to the idea of cereal, but the green beans...those bring about some anger.

What am I gonna do with this kid....

One minute so funny and so darn cute. The next minute a total terror. I know that is what "3" is all about, but boy is he extreme in either direction.
At lunch today he did not have the "right" orange and he demanded I go to the store and get the "right" one. Sure, my kids are a bit spoiled, but uh...I don't cater to needs that extreme nor do I fall for demands that easily. I wish I had video of the tantrum that ensued. It was quite a performance. Amen for nap time today. Carson starts to melt down these days around noon. I know it would help if the kid would eat something. Keith swears there is nothing wrong with him--but he doesn't eat. How does he do it...his momma could use his secret!
Had to share these pics of him in his silly hat. Davis had silly hat night at church last night and Carson decided he wanted to play along. I have been trying to get rid of this hat for sometime...he refused to sell it in the garage sale and wore it then to. He wore it last night. And, he wore it to school today. It was in the mid/upper 70's today--very much furry hat weather.
Right now he is in bed screaming for water...must go tend to the screaming...oh lord give me patience. Sure is a good thing he is cute!

Harper is 25 Weeks Old Today!

She is a happy rolling fool! She is also a little girl that makes her Mommy's heart ache....I have been holding her at night until she falls asleep but she seemed restless on Tuesday night so I just went and laid her in her big girl bed and thought maybe she was ready to just go to sleep on her own, and I guess she was...just laid down and went to sleep. I just wish this time could go slower...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

THE GOLDFISH - The final game of the season!

Carson actually playing!

Davis, being way too aggressive. See the clothesline he just hung out for the grey team--not nice Davis...and Carson, #5, is actually playing again!

Miss Harper all "jammied" up ready for the game!

Davis as goalie, also practicing his dancing moves.

Carson's favorite part of the game--water break!

Harper loving on her Chuck.

Davis getting a medal. Also, Davis last time in biddy soccer...he will be too big on his next birthday (which is in a few weeks and I need to get moooovin' on getting bday party invites done!)

Carson getting a medal, but very focused on where the treats are....that is so much more important. We don't eat food, but a treat --now that is another story!


Carson really should have a different name. This kid is generally scratched up from head to toe on any given day. Many of which I don't know how they happened...and that makes you feel like a great parent, doesn't it? This one he did by falling onto a table in the basement--so it took some effort on his part to achieve this wound.

And, as if the scratches were not enough fun--it was class picture day at school on Tuesday too. I guess the picture will tell a story...

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Just a few pictures of how the boys spent their morning. Keith was trimming the tree out front and the boys were enjoying the branches. Then the decided to bury the jeep. It is still sitting out front just like this. They think it is camouflaged and no one will see you agree?

It's a Girl--for Shannon and Brian that is...

Here is a picture of the cute cupcakes we had at the baby shower on Saturday. Terri, Christy and I had a couples BBQ for Shannon and Brian to celebrate their little girl that is coming in just a few weeks! We can't wait to meet her...and I can't wait to know that she has a name instead of baby girl :-)

I am having photo difficulty but I will load some others later. We did play a few games--I decided that guys just miss out on all the baby shower excitement so the two we played were 1) make a baby out of playdoh (it was a timed event). Let's just say there were some creative playdoh objects, not sure that they resembles any babies I have seen. It was funny. And, 2) we had a relay race where you picked a baby (or whatever we had handy) and then run back to your partner who then ran down and diapered it (with a variety of diaper sizes) and then run back to your partner who went and swaddled the baby and then run back and switch one last time to the partner who has to run to the beer and chug one to finish it. Good game--I recommend that for your next shower. I also recommend making the running distance short--we are old and out of shape people...

The kids had a great time playing too. I think they felt left out of the games, so if this were to be done again we will plan to include them!

Thank you to Terri and Christy for your help with everything--I think everyone had fun! Now...if only I can figure out where the party favors disappeared to....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Harper is 24 Weeks Old Today!

24 weeks ago

and just a few hours ago today...

This girl can't keep her hands out of her mouth and she wants to nurse every two hours...either it is a growth spurt or teething or both, but mamma ain't a chew hopefully this fun trend ends soon.

The Goldfish - Again!

The boys are worn out again. Between school, swim and soccer Thursdays are a long day. Davis was a bit wild tonight and I think he was confused that this was not a contact sport. Carson I had to bribe with treats to needless to say Tuesday was a more successful game.
I also think I jinxed myself by talking about a new camera lens. Keith dropped my camera and the lens is broken. Sadness. It still takes pictures, so hopefully it won't fall apart on me--I would be lost with out it!!