Davis and his ice cream cake--always his favorite! When did we get old enough for a 7 year old anyway....

Is he 7 or is this his gang sign?

Think he is pretty pleased with himself.

Blowing so hard he could pop.

Singing again. Just because ya gotta have some cake with your ice cream cake.


Presents, with Carson's help. Carson who is always covered in bandaids. That poor kid gets hurt more than anyone I know.

Carson made his brother some cards, they are discussing them.

Very excited for $20! He loves money, even if he "doesn't have very much".

SO COOL! Very excited about the truck!

Reading his card with Grandpa Bob. Bob and Betty made the drive here today to see Davis on his birthday. Pretty spoiled guy had his birthday with all his grandparents and his Jeni/Chuck.

Mario Galaxy 2 for the Wii! Very excited!

"Yeah Baby!"

The gift he "always" wanted.
I think he had a good birthday. He got a cool Lego City Fire Station from us and a Lego Star Wars from his grandparents too....I wish I had thought to wash his face after his requested meal (Spaghetti and Meatballs) since his face was pretty dirty in all these pics...
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