Wednesday, January 27, 2010

43 Weeks Old! SO BIG!

In just a few weeks this little girl will be one. Why does the baby stage have to go so fast?
Harper says mamamamma and dadadadada and screams and squeals with delight (or annoyance depending on the situation), but she is a talker! I think she takes after her Monga :-) We are surprised daily at what this little lady can do, and how fast she is learning to do it. She claps her hands when you say patty cake, so of course I thinks she is the smartest girl. Then again, I say Harper is such a big girl and instead of putting her hands up like I show her she claps again...I will go with the fact that she is applauding my talents at entertaining her, again so smart isn't she?!
Harper is back to not feeling well again...or still...when I ask Keith is she still sick or sick again his answer to me is "it's winter". I guess that is a yes? I just feel badly for the snot princess. Lots of teething and lots of snot. There are four teeth in and four more red and bulging. Teething--three kids later, still not a fan.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Sunny Sunday

It is cold and windy out there so another day of playing inside. But, the sun came out. I think it has been 10 days no sun...we needed to see it. We got up and went to early church this AM. I love it when we can go to the first service, leaves so much more of the day for us to play. Then when we got home I took a few pictures--had to capture the cow print dress! I am still getting used to the new camera. Jury is still out if I like it or not.
Then I made some potato soup in the microwave (quite a handy trick I learned at a PC party on Friday--but I tried to make it low fat and it is not nearly as good without the fat, but fast and still good!)
After that Keith went to Children's Mercy to see a patient of his who is very sick with cancer. Pray for Jayden Nicole, she and her family need them.
Man, are my blog posts getting boring or what?! But...truth be told...I kind of like boring.

Rockets, Game 2

Davis (#15) is getting the hang of it. He did a great job of staying on his "man" (feels funny to call someone who is 6 a man, but you kwim). He also did a great job of putting his hands in his pockets and obsessing about the clock and watching the time run out. Next week no pockets in the shorts for sure!

After the game we went to Red Robin (because that is where you go for birthday dinners according to Davis) and we had dinner with Jeni Chuck. I took a few pics, but none really turned out...I will blame the camera, not me on those :-)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Debbie Howards Gym and stuff.

Ah, FRIDAY! This is one of Carson's favorite days since we usually do something fun just him and I. Today we met some friends at Debbie Howard's Gym and played there from 9-11 and then went to get Davis at school. After school we went and had lunch with Keith at work and the kids (yep, all three) got their H1N1 booster. Carson cried, or whined rather. Harper screamed, but was easily calmed, and Davis--didn't do anything. Shocking. Not a tear or a peep. We also weighed them. Carson was 37.2, Davis 51.2 and Harper 20.3. I know weight is not important to you readers...but for me when I want to remember what and when, this is as good of a place as any to keep my notes :-)

Carson is covered in foam, I think it will be bath night!

This picture is so funny to me. Click on it and you will see the "required" part of it lightly in white. I guess since it was not outlined it is optional. Or a suggestion?

Here is Harper and baby Chase. Chase turns 1 on 2/2 and he took his first steps just before I took this picture! Exciting to see it and so not prepared to photograph it.

I thought Harper might not have fun playing since it is her "normal" or attempted nap time from 9-11, but she did have a great time and loved the other kids too.

They also loved the uber germmy knobbies on this Clifford ball. Eww.

Last night we went to Davis' school book fair. There was a pancake dinner too. The boys had a great time, Harper was worn out, so no pictures of that event.
Been a good week. Basketball game and birthday dinner for Chuck tomorrow.

Happy Birthday Uncle Chuck!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dunna nunna nunna nunna -- BAT GIRL

42 Weeks Today?

It pains me to type that. In just ten weeks my baby girl will be one. Don't even get me started on just how sad that makes me. Is it possible to enjoy each baby you have more and more? Is it wrong?
Harper weighs 20lbs now. She wants to stand all the time. I keep putting her on the ground and she gets up again (yes, I too am singing the very bad yet incredibly catchy Chumbawumba song too) and she won't stop learning and changing....I suppose I could just carry her everywhere so that she could not use her limbs? Hmmm I will ponder that while she is taking her morning nap. That and other ways to thwart her development.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Yes, I am alive.

I have been getting concerned emails wondering what is going on over here...I posted I was sick and I disappeared, but rest assured I am here! Been busy with the kids, been trying to sleep more...all things that this girl needed. Things are getting better. Still feel like I am lost in a fog, but maybe it is just because there is no sunshine and it is foggy...could that impact my brain this much?

January is school optional month in Blue Valley. We went to school one day. Had the week of. Then last week we went to school. This week we are off Mon and Tues. February we are off more and March, well heck half the month is spring break. When exactly do our children much as I don't want to home school (no patience here) I start to see why people do it. I vote for year round school and better planned breaks. This a day here and there nonsense must end. Who is with me? ..... I feel silence....

On other topics I am camera shopping. My rebel is broken and is gonna cost between $200-$300 to fix what does a girl do...fix it and move on, or upgrade. I have been pondering a new camera for sometime now, but had thought I would get a Canon 50D or 70D next year when prices came down more and just keep my rebel for a spare, or one to drag around since I already beat the heck out of it...but now I I fix the body...replace the same model body for not too much more than the repair....or get a new rebel and let go of the D dream for now. So many decisions so little time. Those of you that know me well know my camera is an extension of me, it is my only real prized personal possession and I used it each and every day. I have borrowed a friends camera until Friday so I can sleep at night knowing it is here, but decisions must be made....and Keith doesn't want to talk to me about it anymore, I think when he said "go buy whatever you want" that meant he was done talking to me about it...not sure I ever got that Carte Blanche buying power before. You would think it would feel good, but instead it feels odd. Send me good decision vibes people, or comment or email on what I should do. I am irrational when it comes to my camera because I want it all and paralyzed because I don't want to make a bad decision.

A Harper update--that girl is growing like wildfire. It is amazing. Three teeth, four more on the way. She sits on her knees to play, can pull up on anything, and has even been caught standing not touching anything. I swear this girl wants to walk and I am NOT in approval. She is gaining speed and I lose her quickly now, the doorstop is not just over but she just lapped it. The boys never did this. They were slow to progress....or normal, why the warp speed Miss H???

Last night was a big night here. When we are all here together we gather in the boys rooms for books and prayers. Last night was the first night Davis read US books instead of the other way around. It was pretty cool. He read two books really well, new ones that he had never read before. Watching him learn to read is pretty special for us. It was one of those family moments you would like to bottle up and do over and over again.

Carson is also changing a lot too. He has grown up so much, he acts like a little man....well a little man with a big whine, but whining aside he is changing a lot. He is starting to write his name and has interest in words. Davis is reading now so Carson pretends to read the books after Davis does.

So, in summary, yes I am alive, life is good and we are all ready for a little more routine and a lot more sunshine!

GO Rockets!

Davis first basketball game!

Practicing dribbling.

Chatting it up with Jacob.



Notice the kid under the basket, away from the game....that is mine.....

More dribbling.
He did great his first time out, but lets just say that practice...yes we need some practice...

SNOW Cranky!

I have this crazy cute hat and shirt and got her dressed to go somewhere else and thought we should take a few pictures....but Harper was not in the mood.

However, Carson...he was ready to cheese it up.
Happy Carson, all cried out Harper.

Call off the Mommarazzi and get that camera out of my face.

More cheese.


The boys got these shirts from their Grandma and Grandpa...they are quite a hit. I think they look awfully grown up in them...not sure if that is a good thing...Go Shockers.

Harper would like to invite you to a tea party.

But, she hogs the toy, so it would have to be tea party of one.

It's Still Christmas!

Yes, still Christmas. At least we still have our lights up so why not keep celebrating?! Keith's parents came up to visit for a few days and to celebrate Christmas with us. The tea set that Harper got was quite a hit--in fact, the boys played with it a lot right after she opened it....might be one of their favorite gifts of the season too!