Thursday, January 14, 2010

41 Weeks Today!

Holy growth spurt Batman this baby is on the move and mamma isn't ready! The past week has been a rough one with sick kids and now a starting to get sick mom, but I think that the kids are all better and that is what matters most. I am way behind in posting a weeks worth of fun, hopefully Friday will provide some much needed catch up time. This week has been a full one.
Miss Harper has changed a lot in the past week. Her crawl has improved and she is gaining speed...sooner or later she will in fact catch the cat. Lord help him. She has one tooth in, one breaking skin, and four more buldging. Needless to say since I am still nursing--not a fan. Her sleep pattern is way off and not in a good way, but the last two nights show improvement so I am hopeful. She is also back to eating solids a bit again, after taking a week off. Thank goodness food is optional at this point and merely a "teaching them to eat" thing...if she needed the stuff that girl would have been hurting. I think she went 10 days without it.
As you can tell from the pictures, she pulls to stand and gets to sitting and on her knees just fine to play. Amazing balance...that she did not get from her Mom...or really her Dad either.
Kind of sad my little girl is growing up so fast...ok really sad. I saw a Mom with a newborn today at Chickfila and it made me even more sad...Keith however, not sad one bit. I think Keith wants his bed back.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, she's changed so much in the past couple of weeks!!!

    Hope you get to feeling better soon, Nicole! Glad the kids are feeling more like themselves!
