Here is Carson, getting ready for today's game against the A's.

My Boys.

My boys again, looking awfully serious...either that or the sun is in their eyes.

"Uncle Greg" aka Keith's cousin, and Davis apparently picking on his brother.

Keith and Greg. They are like giddy school girls when they get together.

I am going to assume (and hope) that this is Davis taking pictures now.

Or Greg pretending it is Davis and taking a bad one of himself? One can't be too sure.

Getting ready to RUN. Unless there is a
Popsicle at the end of this thing my kid ain't gonna move very fast....just sayin'.

And, here is Carson. Yes, the one without the shirt. Doesn't everyone get naked and play in the water at a baseball game?

This kid hates to wear clothes. Thankfully he stopped at his shirt....this time...
The afternoon of baseball was followed up by a trip to Dick's to get Davis his first baseball mitt, practice starts this week! Then that was followed up by a little 2.5-3 hour trip to the pool. Let's just say there was no fighting bedtime tonight!
These kids, and these parents, are done. Good night!