These pictures are sort of out of order..but if you are on facebook you got to see all 200 of them, and if not here are a few from KR's big night! Photo above of Nikki enjoying her cookie :-)

Jen and Beth

Betty, Andi, Michael

Jenna, Nikki, Patricia

John, Duffy, Michelle, Rusty, Patricia, Darren

Everybody, meet everybody.

The Cake!

Phew--that was a lot of work!

Tracy and Ryan

Terri and Me

We have so many photos that look like we have been life partners why stop now. The best is our grad school graduation photo when we cut the cake together. It was not an intentional photo as this one is but the other one...what were we thinking? Or maybe it was a commitment ceremony and we were unaware...I think we should celebrate our anniversary in Mexico. It has been a long time since grad school...and at least 14 years since we met...maybe next year for our 15th we should go. Do people really read what I type...

The "Richmond" brothers. They lived on the same street growing up--guess what street that was, yes it was Richmond!

Beth, Michelle and Jenny

KR had a good time!

Keith and Tammy. Her husband took so many pictures for us--they are awesome!

Rusty and Andi

Rusty grabs her boob. Good times.

David and Tammy. David was our fab photog!
It was a really fun night--would love to do it again!
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