Saturday, October 31, 2009


Here is our boo crew again, this time in costume instead of jammies!

And here is the fam, note that Keith is part incredible hulk, part Mexican wrestler (or Nacho Libre wanna be) and part ninja turtle. Just like in real life, he has no idea what he really wants to be...note the hulk, he is very focused on the pumpkins...we took about 20 pictures until we got him to put his mask on in the picture below and look at the camera. Good thing Harper and Davis hung in there!

A pic of our "spooky" walk. As you will note from pictures that follow of neighbors houses we have a lot of work to do to keep up next year...we are slacking in the Halloween decor department!

We found the CANDY!

And we found our inner wrestler?

Ah, and we found our sweet flower princess!

Jessica and Davis. I might have to create a through the years album of those two--they attack trick or treating like it is a competitive sport!

Carson tried to hang, he ran as hard as he could, but about an hour into it he was done. Well, he was done and Harper needed her pants changed...tomato tomahto, we called it a night half way and let the kids continue on. The next few pics are a few highlights from the streets we hit before heading back to put Miss Harper to bed and let Carson hand out candy with Bopa.

Here is Carson, showing the stash!

Harper, jammied up ready to call it a night. She is so annoyed with us...first you put me in a flower costume and now in glow in the dark jammies. Just give me my blankie and call it a night--I can't even eat candy people!!

And, last but not least--the whole reason we have Halloween--to keep Dentists in business. I told him to brush at least three times, but even that may not get these teeth clean.
All in all, I believe Davis is pretty pleased with his performance this year.

Power Tools, Pumpkins and a Little Weenie

We had a pumpkin carving extravaganza last night. It has become tradition to carve pumpkins on Halloween Eve. Chuck and Jeni and Monga and Bopa were here and after dinner we moved onto carving time, and out came the power tools. Some people take this carving business pretty seriously around here. As you can see from the look on my Dad's face, he is very intent on his elaborate skull or goblin, he did two of them so I am not sure which he is carving here. I carved a bat, Keith a scary face, and Jeni a spider. I will take pictures tonight of them outside since the indoor photos don't look so fancy, but the pictures of the boys looking at them were pretty sweet so I had to share. They were so excited about the pumpkins!
The boys generally like the pumpkin cleaning part and the designing part (since we don't give them knives to carve with just yet), but this year Carson was disgusted by it. We could not even convince him to put his hand in the pumpkin. As you can tell from the photos he thought about it, he looked at it from every angle. He tried to put his hand in and couldn't do it. Then, he started gagging. No joke, my kid almost barfed from touching pumpkin guts. Please Carson, don't become a weenie, this mama does not do sissy well. Next year I hope he embarrasses the guts. Then again I should be careful for what I wish for.....and I should just be glad that they did not fling pumpkin guts around the house....maybe not liking them is good after all...

Happy Halloween!

This is a very disturbing picture of Davis wearing his eyes and teeth from his party goody bag (yes, we bought them!) and Keith said not to post this picture...but it is Halloween after all...

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Kindie BOO Crew and Party!

The Parade!

The Class! (And a super cool backdrop made by one of the Moms!)

A little Halloween Twister!

Cute fruit cups. Now, the Mom that did this (it was not me) spent a lot of time on them. Way cute!

Mrs. R and Davis!

Spooky slimey punch!

Halloween Snack Mix

Monster Hands and Spider Pops

Hot Pumpkin!

The spooky spread.

Making Bat Hands (cute craft with the kids hands being bat wings).

Davis enjoying his snacks.

The whole crew!

Reading Room on the Broom

Getting ready to leave.

It was an awesome party--only so awesome because of all the parents that pitched in. So many helping made it work so well!