Today Harper had her 6 month check up and she weighed 16lbs 6.5oz, she was 27.5 inches tall and her head was 16.75 inches around. She is still a long girl and in the 95th percentile in height. She could end up being the tallest in the family at this rate!
Harper also got four shots today, she did not like them and she is sleeping them off now. But, she is doing great! She ate carrots last night, we have worked our way through cereal and veggies and no allergies so far so we will try some fruits in the next week or so. She generally does not like food much, unless it is people food....the baby stuff she makes a bad face and is not pleased. Carrots were definitely the highlight of the disliked food list though.
She can't sit up on her own yet, she wobbles and we are not crawling but we roll all over the place and do a little "scootching" so between those two things she can get pretty much anywhere...although thankfully she is slow at doing it. Again, I miss the doorstop phase when they just don't move from where you put them. Harper does love to stand and her legs are pretty strong. She adores her jumper and would bounce all day if I let her I think. That is the best invention!
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