Monday, December 28, 2009

Before I forget...

the princess, got her first tooth (front lower left). It broke through yesterday morning. She is still struggling with it coming in a bit and the other (front lower right) is going to be next.

I also forgot to mention Carson and his swimming accomplishment. On the 17th of December Carson had his first deep water test, you have to swim the full length of the pool without stopping or touching the ground and he did it. I know I am his momma so I get impressed easily with him, but how cool is it that he could do that at three?! I think it is pretty cool.

Monga Bopa Time!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Everybody loves a Vacuum.

The day after Christmas involved a lot of snow and the removal of a very sad, dry and dead tree from the house. As you will notice the cord to the vacuum provided much entertainment. Not exactly sure why we got all these toys when the cord was such a hit...but good to know I have it for Miss H to teethe on should I need it.

Let it SNOW!

As with most years, Carson does not like the snow. He does not want to be wet or cold and if it touches him we are not pleased.

Davis on the other hand wahoo in the snow. Loves it.

Just like his Dad.

Davis going face first.

Davis getting lost in the drift by the house.

Getting stuck in it.

Having fun in it.

And just being plain silly.

Carson decides to take a ride and likes it.

And he joins Davis in the snow mound.

Then again, we get snow on us and decide we are not happy again.

The last of the snow angels.

And snow monkeys.

The end. Now let's go get warm!

Christmas Dinner

Sleepy girl at dinner.

How cool are my parents to let me wear a costume to dinner?
We were all sitting down for dinner after a long day of gift opening and at dinner you can see we had two special guests. Two Megatrons (i.e. Transformers).

See what this one decided to have for dinner? Yes, the same thing he had for Thanksgiving. Thank goodness for hot dogs. What would this kid live on if we did not have the hot dog.

It was also funny when it came time to pray. We usually say let's pray, but Jeni said we need to sit down and say grace. Carson says, OK, but who is Grace?

Merry Christmas 2009

Yes, Santa spoiled my children. I think when he shops and forgets what he has it is too year he needs to write it down.

He did leave a nice note for the kids. It was good of him to take the time. They liked it.

Can you feel the excitement?

They all got what they asked for. I guess that means they were good?

He still wants to be a Jedi when he grows up.

Oh how I don't like weapons and oh how my kids do.

We never managed a picture of all five of us...but here is four of us. Harper was sleeping. She missed most of the morning I think.

Harper wakes up and opens presents.

Carson said his favorite gift was this costume. He wore it all day.

And, here they are on their DSes. They do love them.

Then back to being a transformer. Or megatron or whatever...

Still opening presents.

Loving on her Monga.

Loving her new KU doll.

Just a few of the nearly 500 pictures I took. Yes, I have issues. We had a great Christmas with Monga, Bopa, Jeni and Chuck. The kids loved everything and the princess really enjoyed her first Christmas too--lots of sleeping and eating, what is not to love?!