Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Strike a Pose

Fancy girl. I think she is showing off already...maybe getting ready to strut her stuff on dancing with the stars?

Well, maybe not...I am pretty sure she would lose points for the deer in a headlights facial expression that she gives the camera.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


For those of you wondering just how long we will be celebrating Carson's birthday we think we are done. This happens to be cake two of three but we assure you he enjoyed each and every one of them!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Carson!

Three years ago today we saw you for the first time.

You were bigger than anyone thought you would be--quite a chunk at 8lbs 8 oz compared to your older brother who was only 6lbs 15oz.

So much love for this little man. Happy third birthday Carson, we are so blessed to have you.

Good Morning to our Birthday Boy!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Harper is Three Weeks Old Today

And, at three weeks old you are probably wondering what this amazing child is up to....

...and she does some of this....

...and some of this.
For those of you looking you are thinking WOW, that is riviting. Sarcasm aside, it really is riviting, I spend hours looking at these sleepy and awake faces and I love them. Granted, I do love them a little less between the hours of 2 and 5 AM, but love them nonetheless.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Davis & Daddy Celebrate Hawaii Day

What is Hawaii Day you ask, well it is a preschool celebration for Davis' class. I don't think it is any special holiday...but I think he thought it was. Parents were invited to come help so Keith went and got to be the "pilot". Since Carson and Harper could not go I stayed home with them, but I am glad Keith took pictures--how cute is my little tourist? I think this warrents a real trip to Hawaii.....all in the name of education of course.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Red Red Wine

So, how young is too young for your first trip to a liquor store? I am sure you have all asked yourself this question a time or two and for Harper it was two and a half weeks. We happened to be dropping off Keith's car to get the brakes replaced and what was right next door but a beautiful store full of one of my favorite things, red wine...there is little that makes me happier than a glass of wine so why not stop by with your newborn and pick up a few bottles? I am sure I got a few strange looks being there at nearly 9AM when they opened carseat in hand, but Harper seemed to like it there and I think we will be back.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

We Miss Monga

Monga left this morning and we all miss her already. We are glad she got to come and stay as long as she if only she would move here. Keith is even talking about finding them a house again in hopes that they would just move. He keeps telling me that when Monga quits working they will come more and stay that true? I am not so sure...but I guess he knows how to make me feel a little better.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Carson's 3rd Birthday Party

Carson had a superhero party today with his friends. He actually turns 3 on the 27th.
It took three or four blows, but he made it!

And, the green Incredible Hulk Icing was a big hit!
Thank you to all of little C's friends for helping us celebrate today! He had a great time and is tearing into his gifts as we speak!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting

It is really challenging to get a decent picture sometimes...this little girl had to squint, stick out her tounge, make faces and not cooperate and all I wanted was a cute two week old picture...well, she is still cute even in her "crouching tiger" pose. Hiyah!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Naked again...

Miss Harper is surely not going to be pleased that I keep showing her all nudey...but how else will I remember what she weighed and when? I am very happy to report that at 13 days old she has now made it one ounce past birth weight...phew! So glad to have that behind me. Now, no more weight checks for two weeks and hopefully no more crazy boob illnesses either. Everyone has told me they got it more than once--at least two or three times back to back, and I really don't wanna do this again...


You should not read this post if breastfeeding is something that freaks you out. Or, after you read this post and if you have never breastfed it could freak you out enough to not want to try it and that is not my intention either as I nursed both of my boys for a year or more...but let me tell you a story about how much pain this "natural" thing can cause.

With my first one I had the "normal" challenges of engorgement and soreness that many experience. Don't let me down play that pain as I still recall toe curled tear flowing times with those feedings. The first time was hard for me and for those I have talked to they agree it is not easy.

With the second one it was way better, still a sore week or two, but no engorement no major issues until three months down the road when I developed a clogged milk duct. This pain is immense. Then came the milk blisters...seriously have yet to meet another person who has had these yet but let me tell you it ain't no picnic. I consider myself to have a fairly high threshold for pain, but this about pushed me over the edge. After a few weeks of this resolving itself all was well and he nursed until about 14 months.

Now, let's talk about the third one. She took to nursing easily. No problems. Sure, still a little sore but nothing I could not handle...then we had her weight checked and she had not gained weight so the "nursing on demand" as I had done in the past was curb checked and we went to an every two hour feeding plan. Let me say now that was NOT a good move. The increased feedings jumpstarted milk production so much that I think I was set to feed triplets over here...I was feeding and pumping and freezing milk...and really, WHO should do this when you have a less than two week old? I say no one.

I decided to go back to on demand feeding. Cold Turkey. My breasts disagreed. My ducts clogged and this time I got to experience Mastitis. I started to not feel well, all over not just in the giant red and swollen melon region either. I was freezing and every joint in my body ached to move it. It took full jammies, socks, a bathroom, sheets, comforter and two blankets just to feel warm, not hot people, just warm. It was like the flu but no vomiting (just pointing out the positives here). It is not over yet, but with some antibiotics things are looking up...the melons are at least a little less red today and I am a little less cold and sore.

Sure the pain is worth it...but it still sucks.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Warming Up

Today was the first day Davis asked to hold his sister. He has held her before, but only at our suggestion--it was nice to see him take an interest in her and want to help care for her. I hope that the two of them become great friends one day.

Harper Loves Bopa

This is Bopa. Harper loves him. He also got his name from Davis a few years back. He had to cut his trip short and fly home early this morning because there were people misbehaving at work...I keep telling Bopa to retire as work is highly overrated. I think Harper misses him.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Harper Loves Monga

What is a Monga you wonder, that is my Mom. Davis named her when he was quite small. She is half Mom and half Grandma, when you add those together you get a Monga. Everybody needs at least one if you ask me.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

The boys had a great and relaxing Easter this year, I guess that is what happens when you have a baby right before don't go do a whole lot. And since it rained most of the day the bunny only hid a few plastic eggs outside, the rest were in the basement. Smart bunny!

The bunny brought Carson a Spiderman "mat-place" that he was very excited about. Amazing what the bunny can find in the dollar spot at Target to bring this little man joy!

And Davis, well he was barely awake but he did seem to like his Spiderman t-shirt, he alternated between it and the batman one that were in his basket the better part of the day. So glad he can dress himself!

As for Miss Harper, well she did this most of the day...sleepy girl. But of course as the day winds down and we get ready for bed she will be wide awake!

Cookies for the Easter Bunny

The boys decided we needed cookies for the Easter Bunny. I am guessing that they have this confused with leaving them for Santa, but we made some anyway. "We" being Aunt Jeni and Monga and the boys as I was busy holding Harper (hence the close up pic since I was holding her and taking pictures at the same time). I think it was a good trade.
As you can see, Carson likes a little sugar on his cookies.

And Davis, well if you can see his full mouth he just likes to eat the dough.
Aside from the Easter Bunny, I am pretty sure no one will actually eat these cookies...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

We're Goin' on an Egg Hunt

Harper slept through the egg hunt.
Carson was all business about the hunt, he got his game face on and ran like crazy when they said "Go". There was no stopping little C from getting his candy!

Davis had fun getting eggs too, he wanted to get more but he was distracted each time he found one as he had to stop and look at it and see what was in it before moving on.

Pretty Cool Eggs, huh?!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Harper's First Bunny Encounter

Keith and I think it is a good thing she slept through it, the bunny...he looks a little bit scary...but the boys seemed to like him enough to give us cheesy and fake grins so they could get the suckers they gave away after the pictures were taken. Oh the torture I put my kids through for sake of crazy traditions and photo opportunities...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy One Week Birthday Baby Harper

Goggle Up

Feeding your sister is serious business, and apparently it is one that you must wear your swim goggles for.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Weighing In

Today we had our first outing with Harper, and it was an exciting one as we all went to see the Dr. I figured the boys needed their annual check ups and I had Mom's help so why not just take them all in the same day. The appointment took us two hours and when all was said and done we all needed a nap.

Little Miss Harper has not gained her weight back, she is 7lbs 4oz, so we are going to increase feedings...I am not exactly sure how to do this when the girl won't wake up and eat during the day but I will do my best to keep trying. For those of you who have breast fed you know the joy of shoving a boob in a sleeping baby's face...let's just say waste of time is an understatement, but I am guessing this is amusing for others...or her...anyway, we will weight check next week to see if operation sleepy boob is working or not.

My big man Davis is in the upper 90th percentile on his height and weight. He is 49lbs and almost 48 inches tall. He got four shots today and he says his legs hurt "too much to run" so we went ahead and let him skip his "run" today. He is funny.

And our little man Carson is 33 lbs and so very close to the 50th percentile on weight that I am gonna pretend he is there and he is 37 inches tall. A few weeks ago little C decided he liked a few more foods than just cheese, crackers and milk, so I hope the trend continues! Keep eating little C!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I spent all night looking at this face....

and I do mean ALL night. She was wide awake, or only interested in sleeping while I sat up in a chair and held her. The minute I put her down the eyes popped open and the screams came. Of course, now she looks like this... sweet, so peaceful, so very sleepy and I think maybe a little bit spoiled.

I think they like her....

Everyone keeps asking us what the boys think, and well I am not quite sure. They seem to like her, at the hospital Carson tried to give her his chicken nugget and at home he really wants to swing her really really fast, so that is love, right?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Just arrived...

Had to share this picture of her taken in the nursery as she was being cleaned up. Her cries sound like a little bird. I am sure they will get stronger with time, but I like the quiet screams so far.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

She's Here!

Harper Eden Ratzlaff joined our family on April 2nd 2009 at 9:43 AM. She was 7lbs 12oz, 20 inches long. We think she is pretty cute.