Friday, December 31, 2010

House of Germs.

Carson was sick earlier in December. Then a few of us got sick with head colds. Then Carson got sick the day after Christmas. Then a few more people got colds. Then Harper got the flu. Then I got the flu. Then Davis got the flu. Who is next...needless to say our new years party is cancelled. I would not want to come here. Heck...not sure I want to be here...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jumping Jax

Today us and the rest of southern JOCO went to Jumping Jacks. Seriously that place was packed! Even the guy that works there said he had never seen it like that.

Lucky for us it started to thin out closer to lunch time and the kids got to play in a little less crazy environment.

Harper was so brave! She went up the tall slide all by herself. I was following behind her (hence no photo) but at the top she went down it all by herself with Davis. She didn't want to do it with me. At 20 months this girl amazes me with what she can do. She threw a fit when we had to leave, that was not so amazing.

Winter Break!

Every once in awhile I find them all happy and getting along.

Harper loves her "Elpie". Carson was being very sweet and reading to her.

Yes, I let them play DS, watch TV and wear jammies all day long. How cool is that? (I should note that the photos before this one they were getting ready for bed they have not worn jammies all winter break....but man wouldn't that be fun!)

Harper coloring with her "Mimi".

This has been the most laid back break of all time. We should do this more often.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Presents. Presents. More Presents.


She loved this!

He wanted this!

He loved this!
I hope she liked this.
They all have loved this!

Well, Christmas is over. The tree is down. Now to put things away and try to get all the pine needles out of the house. Maybe then I can breathe again.

The kids have spend today (the day after Christmas) playing with toys. It is going to take a while for them to get through all their new stuff!

Ho Ho.

Christmas Day.

Christmas Eve.
I think I could do a through the years collage of them looking not much different than this...

Merry Christmas 2010!

We had to wake everyone up at 8 because no one was stirring. I guess the late night birthday party did them in.
Had to take a photo with Keith since he was at work the night before when we took one. And we had to get the kids up so he could go back to work...nothing like rushing Christmas this year! merry.

Santa has arrived!

Leaving Milk and Cookies for Santa