Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Walker turns 6!

This was quite a party--G2U Van with games, Hamster Ball and Lazer Tag. Oh, and the ice cream truck came for an all you can eat treat. I don't think we will be competing with this party...he had a great time!

We got a SCOUT in the house!

Can someone tell me when my baby grew up? Make my heart ache.

He begged to do this last year and I said if he still wanted to this year we would do it--so here we go. Since he is doing this with his Dad I feel in the dark on what is happening....not being in control is not my strong suit, but I don't want to be in control...informed might be nice. I do know we are selling popcorn--very expensive popcorn. We need to sell it to 20 more people. Know anyone?

Daddy's Little Girl

If you zoom in you see her reading "Pat the Bunny" and scratching Daddy's beard.

Green Goblins-Fall 2011 Kdg Soccer

GO Green Goblins! Carson is a great little player--of course, his favorite part of the game is SNACKS. For a kid that doesn't eat he sure loves his snacks!

The Silver Knights - 2011 Fall Soccer

I have missed way too many games of Davis...the first one I forgot a camera...the second one I only saw half because Carson played the same of these days I am going to get to see a whole game.

I am struggling with the new name, they were the sharks for so long...and silver goes with fish, doesn't it ;-0

She is always entertaining...


They had an amazing time making them, decorating them, and of course eating them...but you saw all those finger licks...and I say you eat at your own risk!

"F" is for Fairy?

....and frosty white donut train?

Trying to get Miss Sassy to smile pretty....or just give me another look...

Hello Kitty Fashion Show

It starts off big--TA DA
Then we show our belly..Uh Oh
Then we are distracted by Dora

Then we almost fall down.

Guess runway may not be her calling.

Le Chat

Every year you have to send a picture of your pet to school. Every year I try to do a photo shoot with the cat. Every year it gets worse and worse. I wonder if he can't hear me now...I know he can't see well...poor kitty kitty bang bang, Jose Cuervo, Tequila, Joe Bangles, Chicken now mostly called Joe....