Monday, January 31, 2011

Must. Update. Blog.

Yes, I am behind. Shocker. But, if you read this blog be aware that we are under a "storm of the century" warning here. I don't know what that means, they say a blizzard. Of course because I have a hair appointment tomorrow and my roots have not been touched up since November that we will have this stupid blizzard. ARGH. But, I guess that means I will find time to update the blog while I am home bound this week!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

We. Are. In. Trouble.

She is 21.5 months old. Oy Vey.
She is doing a little dance here.
And is sneaking a treat from the pantry. Yes, she can open doors and most food packaging on her own too.

Did I say we were in trouble?

Davis' first basketball game!

Davis played his first basketball game of the season on Saturday. I was home with a napping baby and sad to miss it. He said he played great and hit a "3 pointer". I think he lives in fantasy land because he said he "almost" shot the ball. I wonder if perception is reality to him...need to work on that.

Later that night Keith and I got a sitter and went to dinner with friends. We had not been out to dinner since July together. It was long over due! We went to 77 South. So fun! There used to be a disco club in the 70's in KC called 77 South and this is a relative of that club's owner (son or something). Great bands, cool bar and the drink menu took forever to read. I do believe "Claptan's Cocaine" was the martini of choice. Ironically they played that song a few times too. So, if you like lava lamps and shag carpet check it out. Oh, and get the seafood ravioli!

Did we go for Elmo or Cotton Candy?

We took Harper to see "Elpy" live last Friday night. We debated on taking the boys but they seemed excited about it. They sang and danced and had a good time so I guess they are not too old for Elmo after all. It was touch and go at the beginning though, since they were 100% focused on what treats they got to have. It was a blue sticky mess that is for sure. But, they loved every bite.

Seeing Elpy for the first time.
Jumping up and down and screaming "ELPY ELPY ELPY". She did this again when Cookie came out too, but seriously give this girl a short skirt and big hair and you would have thought it was me in the 80's seeing Bon Jovi for the first time!
She was so happy. I tried to take video but it didn't turn out. I think it is time we invest in a flip. Hint hint. I wonder if my husband reads this...

Carson got his groove on all night long. A few times "security" asked him to move back into the isle. He was wild.

Wearing a kids hat is not flattering to your face. Wowza. The air confetti kind of scared her, but everything else she was thrilled with. She was also oddly thrilled with the mom sitting next to me. She kept touching her and patting her. Weird. No stranger danger here. She even tried to sit in her lap....

Everyone was worn out. Yes, everyone. Elmo takes it out of you when you are our age.

Carson at Gymnastics

Keith took Carson to his first gymnastics class while I was meeting Jan and baby Arden last Thursday. I think he is going to love doing this! Harper starts music classes next week too. Between that and church on Wed nights and basketball practice and games I think that is enough for this winter! I don't know what we are going to do when the kids get "busy" for real!

Gifts for the "A-Team"

My friend Jan had a baby on December 20th. We finally got together last week so I could meet Miss Ardyn--she is a doll. I failed to take pictures of her, but I did take pictures of stuff I made for her nursery. Some as a surprise, some at Jan's request.
Big wipe container.
Travel container.
Bow board. Picture Frame. Wipe containers again.
Wooden basket for her room.
Yet another wipe container.
And a blanket. Thank you to my Mom for the help with this one. Never again...never ever....but yes, it is cute.
Gifts for the big brother.
And the big sister.
If only I had time to get her a vintage A-Team t-shirt...


We have been doing this a is like arts and crafts central around here. This was last week. Today we painted. Tomorrow...hmm...

I feel another snow day coming on...

It just started and they already cancelled evening church activities. That is never a good sign.

They say 8-10". I wonder if "they" know anything. We shall see. While I don't mind the school days it certainly does make it hard with a kid that doesn't transition well. I would like more notice from now on please. Snow days should be scheduled.

Carson was complaining about taking a rest while Harper napped, but the kid was so cranky I suggested a movie. He just asked me how much longer he has to "take a break". I assured him that I would never ask that question if someone told me to go lay down and watch a movie while they waited on me hand and foot.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!

I bundled everyone up and we headed out to play. I think Davis lasted 10 minutes. Carson and Harper maybe 15. My kids are snow sissies.

It is snowing!

Finally. Not a lot yet, but hopefully more. Today was declared a snow day. Still odd to me that the first sign of weather we have a snow day around here, you would think it would wait until there were issues with the roads or something...but oh well, the kids are excited! I had a lot planned today so kind of bummed about that...but I guess it is time to go make pancakes and get ready to build a snowman! Later...when the sun comes out...