Thursday, February 24, 2011

Say Cheese!

This girl is silly. First she picks out this "get-up" (note--an outfit is what I dress her in, the crop top monkey and summer skirt is her choice, i.e. the "get-up"). I talk her into some leggings to she doesn't freeze. She refuses socks. She is not even two yet. Later in the day she cried when I took the monkey shirt off and has since asked for her monkey every day when getting dressed. Time to pass on the monkey...

Then she got my camera and put it on and said "Mommy" with a big smile. Then a loud CHEESE! Is she trying to tell me something?

Off she goes.
Her first picture not so good.
She gets better.

Then Carson decides to take her mug shot. Camera thief in too small monkey shirt has been captured. Guilty as charged. Fruit snacks as reward.

Muffins with Moms

Our self portrait before going to school for MWM.
How sweet is my first grader? Of course when we got to school he was much more interested in sitting with Drew and Ethan than with me, but I had a nice time having muffins with other moms!

Thank you AGAIN to the ever shrinking Chuck who came to babysit. I am going to be sad when Deanna Rose takes all his free time away from us!

Last night I found a bunny in our bedroom.

Keith took Davis to Zone and I bathed the peeps and they were getting ready for bed and watching a cartoon in our bedroom. I guess Harper felt the need for an accessory for the event.

More Basketball!

One more game on Saturday and the Titan's season comes to an end. Davis has really grown a lot this year and seems to really enjoy the game. Although...I think he likes watching games with his Daddy more than playing in them. You should see how passionate he gets when the Jayhawks play. Where did that come from?


Thanks to her brother.

Important to note that she bit him first, so she did start it...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Party like a 1st grader!

Two teams raced to get hearts out of the jars and they had to do what they said on them on the way back to their teammates. It was fun!

Race to stack hearts, another fun game!
There was a circle game where you gave compliments to each other too, but I didn't get a picture of D doing that one.

For craft we decorated cookies--snack and dessert! We had a popcorn snack mix and fruit too. MANY kids wanted seconds and thirds of the fruit so at least we know something mixed in nicely with the sugar they ate all day long. Why do we celebrate most things with sugar?

Davis and his valentine bag. Notice the mustache.

Drake, this dude is funny. He is always goofy.
Mrs. Haught's 1st graders!

Davis walking with a bear between his legs. They had to walk a round, hop a round, etc. Another good game.

Happy Valentine's Day from Mr. Mustache.

My Three Valentine's

Davis enjoying his valentine breakfast.
Carson opening his gift from Monga. He really liked the who let the dogs out singing card and the money in it!

The light up shark slippers were so cute and the candy is already gone...

Davis' card sounded like monkeys. I think he liked it.

The chocolate money was a hit for all of them. Harper put hers in the new Dora purse Monga sent her.

It's Happy Hearts Day

For Davis' class I made each of the kids a notebook and attached is a heart pen that lights up when you write and a candy cane heart sucker.

The hearts are melted mini candy canes pinched onto a sucker stick and filled with white chocolate and covered in sprinkles. We made these for the preschool teachers and all of Davis' teachers/office staff at Morse too. So...many many candy canes. There was a learning curve in doing them as the first few (or 60) went in the trash. But now, I got it figured out.

Had to make some heart sugar cookies.

And wrap gifts for the peeps.
And Monga/Bopa sent gifts too.
The finished hearts. Yummo! Not a good way to start (restart that is) a diet today.