Wednesday, November 30, 2011

so sad..

we got a new roof, the new roof leaked, yes it damaged "stuff" and got in the attic......unpacking ruined Christmas ornaments, I told myself it was just stuff...could all be replaced until I camp upon my box of all of my handmade photo ornaments over the years of my kids....seeing them ruined is really hard...

Monday, November 28, 2011


Finally, I am caught up...wasn't sure this was going to happen. Of course, I should be sleeping off this sickness but I was so close and wanted to get updated before December hit! talk Keith into writing a Christmas letter and getting those cards ordered...

Seeing Santa - 2011

Carson had a lot to ask for this year. Of course it was all stuff I have not heard of. This boys has a long long long long list and I am not sure he is getting anything on it...

Ah, Flat Frazzel. He turns up everywhere...

She wanted to hug him and she said she was going to kiss him but changed her mind and high fived him instead. Good call!

Again, why do they ask for things they have never talked about before...

Checking out the trains.

Then paving roads and driving the Taxi.

And finally P.Ott's for a cold one.

We liked getting two tables. Us and Them. We are much cleaner.

And we don't lay on the floor.

Pretty Little Reindeer 2011

A sassy one too!

The "professional" Santa photo from 2011

Gobble Gobble 2011

Flat Frazzel...the day before Thanskgiving we went grocery shopping and to Chuck E Cheese, FF had to stay home!
But he did enjoy eating some peppernuts!

And, he was the first one to find our Elf Eflfy (or is it Elfie?) on Thanksgiving day! Last year the elf came a day later and it really worried the boys!

I took no pictures on Thanksgiving until Just Dance broke out. I have a few of the kids playing out side and then I have these...that is it. It was a good day--too much eating...and maybe too much champagne and wine caused no pictures to be taken...but it was worth it. Now I want this game! Maybe the Smurf's version!

Batman in a bow?

Ra Ra Rasputin...will that song go away....but it was a great day with friends. Thanks to the Strickland's, the Malone's, the Clement's, the Ratzlaff's and the Evans' for celebrating with us!

Feast of Friendship - 2011 Carson-Kdg

My pilgram.
On the Mayflower.

Setting Sail.
People overboard.
Landing on "the rock". One of the kids asked if that is where the tooth fairy was from...??

Meeting the Indians aka their 3rd grade buddy's.

Carson and his buddy!
Playing games, then having a feast of popcorn.

Mrs. Rottinghaus--the best Kindergarten teacher ever! Love her!
So glad I get to do these things with them.