Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Has anyone seen our DSes...

...because they are both now missing....and we found a samsung phone...but it really isn't working for us.  Literally.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Still bad.

Trying to get this house in order.  I think it would be easier to shake it upside down and power wash it.  What a fun spring break!  Just think...we had planned on the Bahamas and instead the hospital said no vacation for you.  Good times in O town.  I guess good times for Keith since he has been having a basketball extravaganza weekend.

I have been cleaning the boys room.  It is scary in there.  It may be time to separate them for cleaning reasons alone.  Eek.  Davis is in a size 4 shoe.  Carson a 2.5.  Davis a 10 jean and Carson a 7.  When did this happen?  I had to go get Davis jammies he had none left.  Lucky for Carson he has loads of things to wear.  Davis has no shorts either.  Guess I need to get shopping.

Maybe this week will be blog update week since we will be in town.   Now...to decide if Harper needs a kitchen or a bike for her birthday...and of course Carson "needs" an IPOD...little does he know we are going to sell every other toy in the house since all he likes is electronics and candy and the occasional art project and bike ride. I wonder if he could manage a skateboard...again, when did they get so grown up.  Bring back dress up days...