Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Tooth Fairy comes again--He lost one of the BIG ones!

I was at the preschool last night getting ready for today's auction...and my phone was dead because Carson used it at the choir concert earlier in the day to watch movies from....and guess what happened....Davis lost his first front tooth! This is tooth number three, but the first BIG one. I of course couldn't stand that I missed it so I went and woke him up. I don't think he was sound asleep anyway, he was excited for the tooth fairy. He has laid out this logic of how he gets paid based on age and number of is quite complex, but when he mentioned getting $100 when he was 8 we thought now you are gettin' kha ray zee. At least for now his requests are within tooth fairy budgets I guess since the fairy has pulled through with what he thought he was gonna get!
The hole. Yes, he was in bed.

And, some morning shots!
Now for a busy weekend. Likely won't be many pictures from the weekend...we are going in different directions for most of it.

Happy Harper.

A few pics of Miss H after the choir concert.

And here flying with Daddy. I think we were all glad to have him home. We have missed him.

We are the Morse Marksmen!

The Kindergarten Choir concert was held yesterday. Davis was cute as ever and bowed after each performance. They sang songs in spanish with Mrs. Crisco and others with their choir teacher too. I attached some video I took with my camera. Keith is in charge of our other video camera....and he wasn't quite sure where that was located yesterday...

A very proud Davis after the show.

And a very cheesey Carson.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

47 Weeks Old Today!

Harper, what are you doing.



Showing off my cuteness.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Rockets Play Again.

The games begin.

And they cluster together.

But they are getting their hands up.

Harper is playing with her Jeni.

This is about all the hustle they got.
While they are not ready for the Olympics just yet, the Rockets are improving each week. I wonder if it is time to start running line sprints.

If you have seen this man, send him home please.

46 Weeks on Thursday!

I really did take this picture on Thursday, but posting pics...or even loading pics these days...not so easy.
Harper is changing each day, more and more she is not holding on to things when she is standing and playing. She babbles constantly and is liking many new foods.
She loves to laugh and giggle and really enjoys the attention of her big brothers.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Its a much better day.

It almost feels normal around here. The sun is shining, the ice is melting, kids are happy. And, I finally made it to the store so the chocolate milk crisis of 2010 has now ended, thank goodness for that since that is all little C lives on.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Glad that it is over.

The weekend that is. Ugh. Keith got home from work on Friday as I was putting everyone to bed. I thought that was late...but I was wrong. Saturday I don't know when he left for work, didn't see or hear from him, he came to Davis' basketball game, then returned to work only to end up not coming home until Sunday at 4:30, just in time for our new Bible study group that was meeting at our house at 5. Normally, if he was gone...I would just do things with the boys and move on....but all weekend it was a mix of rain, freezing rain and of course snow....not really fun to take kids out in. I am afraid they will cancel school much as I love a snow day and a jammy day now and again....please not tomorrow....

Harper did not nap yesterday, or today. The girl screamed until 1AM and then I held her until 5AM. Keith says her ears are fine, but I don't know what it could be...even if that girl doesn't need to sleep this one does.

On an up note a kind friend did bandaid my PC. I have not tried to load pics on it yet, but will tackle that tomorrow. Gotta get the Princess' weekly pic up that I missed on Thursday.

It may not last long, but for now, I like that all of my peeps are at home...maybe I will actually get some sleep tonight....gonna go see if I can make that happen now.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I just want to tell this week to go suck it.

Davis has decided that 3AM is the perfect time to vomit. Not once but twice and he has to spray it all over his room and somehow under his mattress and on the curtains. Tuesday and Wednesday were icky icky days around here. Of course, during the day he was fine, got sick once on Wednesday late morning but that was it during the day...I ask are you OK and says "I feel medium" is the kid sick or not I don't know. But can't he just puke in a trash can or the toilet? Does it have to be EVERYFREAKINGWHERE? He is getting sick and Carson is screaming and crying "Davis is puking Davis is puking" Um, OK thanks for the 411 Carson. Then we moved Carson to the guest room and Davis to our bedroom couch--and he peed on it. PEED ON THE COUCH. WTH? Again, a bucket or a toilet would have been a better option!

Davis did go to school today (Friday) and all seems well with the world other symptoms. No fevers. Just wild vomiting. Strange...of course his Dad says "he is fine". I am pretty sure I could have an open head wound and his Dad would declare that "fine" too. I don't know what would make him show concern.

Yesterday, our main PC crashed. Again, no concern shown for that either. Does that man not know how much I heart my PC? Not to mention that our other PC I am on now hates me to upload pictures to the blog from it...I don't know why, but I sure wish I knew a computer savvy person...if you know one, send them my way!

Last night...this morning, whatever you call 2AMish, Harper had a fever. Why I don't know...she is snotty, eyes are matted...but what is really wrong I don't know. Fussy, screaming times. Fun times.

So, if you don't see many posts tell that husband of mine to become concerned about our PC issues please...maybe he will listen to you :-)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

♥ Happy Valentine's Day ♥

Is it Valentine's Day or is it Christmas? These are gifts from us and Monga/Bopa they got to open this morning while I made heart shaped pancakes. No pics of those since my hearts were a bit on the sad looking side...

Earlier in the month the kids all got books from their Grandma...then they got gifts from JeniChuck then they got cards in the mail from JeniChuck and Grandma with money in them! They are pretty sure that with the $6.00 they have now they are rich! That and they have two new bookmarks--my kids like to use money as bookmarks when we read at night...strange...I think so.

The boys, very excited!

Harper enjoying her gifts.

Mostly enjoying the paper.

Davis opening Monga's gift.

Both of the boys were very excited about thier new DS games...which they are playing now so I can do this. The DS' were really a gift to me I think.

Carson showing off his big Spidy card from Monga/Bopa.

Girl time.

While the boys were racing Harper and I had some girl time. It was nice to go out together just the two of us.

Monster Truck JAM!

Proof that Carson likes to eat. CRAP that is.

Smashing cars. Really, does it get any cooler?
The pit show. Grave Digger was definately the big hit!

It's gettin' loud in here!
Notice, Carson is now eating nachos...chips and faux cheese. Hmm...healthy? Not so much.

The Grave Digger hats rock. You should see Keith and I in them.

A little hat show...

See he even got his shirt signed!

Yep, still eating crap. This kids teeth are gonna rot out of his head.

Thank you to Jenny and family for the awesome tickets and suite to the JAM. The kids (Keith included in that) had a most awesome time!

Friday, February 12, 2010

The new hot band on the scene--BANDIT!

Carson and Issac decided to go on tour today.

There was some warm up.

Harper was hanging out back stage. What a groupie.

Getting ready to start. Just a little more time to harmonize.

Ready to rock? I asked what their band names was, Carson said Bandit! Not sure if that is BANDIT or BAND IT or Band-It, or what...but it was cute!

Let the show begin. It started with a little ABC and ended with a little Twinkle Twinkle.