Wednesday, June 30, 2010

BIG BUGS @ Powell Garden

We couldn't have asked for better weather, nice and warm and a breeze....ahh...this is how summer should be. Of course, after this was all over I wished someone would have driven us is just under an hour drive and I got sleepy!

Harper had a good time exploring. And playing in the water. She is wet here from her first fountain encounter.

The apple was a big hit for everyone.

Harper was sad to leave it.
Here is Davis and another bug. There are a lot we didn't see, but the first one (Daddy Long Legs) and then this one (Ladybug) and two more were all we got to see today. The Praying Mantis and three big ants were the other two. By the time we did the back side and picked blueberries and currant and they climbed the silo they wanted lunch and to play in the water fountain....and all I wanted was a pitcher of sangria and to go lay by the lake.....a girl's gotta dream I guess.

The bugs are all made from wood as you can see.

And we are back in the metal apple.

It was so sweet how she stopped to smell everything. It also made the walk extra long and the boys extra irritated :-)

Everything she sees is just so new and fun. Love it.

Ah, the mantis.

The kids made butterflies for the butterfly exhibit in August as a craft out of leaves and twigs, etc. Carson's butterfly was a wee bit abstract and this sweet lady had uber patience to work with him. They really do need some other kind of glue...the stuff they had didn't work really well.

This is cute, and I plan to use it one day for a science experiment! So...this is all I can tell you!

And, we ended with the fountain.

Carson spend the better part of his fountain time having a fit about his he didn't get in too much. Cranky! I thought for sure he would sleep on the way home, but nope...we are home and he is still cranky.

Let's hope cranky goes away before we fly tomorrow!

Monday, June 28, 2010


Davis playing baseball tonight. Could not have been a more perfect evening. Beautiful weather!

Harper had a good time too. Lots of space to roam.

Davis hit the ball first swing each time up to bat too!

And Harper...well lets just say she really liked the chain link fence. Perfect teething ring?

Joshy got a little dirty.

She is at it again.
And she got caught chewing on the fence.

Davis team is called the BLUE LIGHT SABERS. Seriously, is this the team name for every sport?

I think we are caught up....again...for now...

On Saturday we had a birthday party at 11, I had a baby shower at 2:30 and then we had the Presley's going away party at 6:30. And the night before I went out with friends and had way too much Sangria....then should not have drank the wine at the baby shower before the 6:30 party. I have not had anything to drink for at least a month and Keith wondered if I was on a bender. He is funny. I have about a three drink maximum, so for me that is quite a bender.

People are worn out from a good weekend I think. This morning Davis and Harper slept until 9 and Carson until after 10. I was planning to go to the pool this morning, but I think we will go later instead. Tomorrow I have to go get a new if you try to call me or text me I won't be answering. Totally dead. Tried everything, new battery did not do it. Ugh. One more thing to go buy. Oh, and Keith told me both cars need new tires yesterday too. I guess it is always something....

In other news about Davis--stitches are out, things look good. Still crazy pissed about the cyst and waiting to hear what Keith finds out. I think it best I don't call his Dr. I would surely be irrational if I talked to her today.

Carson's last week of camp at preschool is this week since we will be out of town for the rest of it. He has camp tomorrow and Thursday morning and then we leave for my parents house on Thursday late in the day and will be there until late on the 25th. Keith will be back on the 13th and we have a house sitter while we are both gone so no trying to break in or anything...we got that covered :-)

Well, that is about all that is happening here. Need to start packing....


Last night my dear friend and neighbor Stacy brought us dinner--just because she had made one of my favorite things! What a treat to not have to cook, or clean up! So after her dinner we took the boys for ice cream and when we got home they bounced out of the car and straight into our sprinklers, fully clothed. I guess that means it is a bath night after all...

And Harper joined them of course. Why on earth Carson and Davis kept sitting on the sprinklers I don't know....but it didn't seem to make Keith really happy...

Davis rides a bike!

We had pretty much given up on Davis ever caring about learning to ride a bike....we had tried and he had no interest, but now he is interested and determined and he can do it! Still needs more practice to build up his confidence, but he is doing great!

Breakfast with Joe

I missed the best picture, he was feeding Joe and the cat seemed to dig it....eww.

The Presley's Going Away Party

We are sad to see Renee and her family leave us! It was so crazy hot Saturday night....but just think Renee, it is gonna be even hotter in Mississippi :-) You ready for that?!
They guys!

Harper, chillin' out by the beer tub.
Harper and Payton
Harper and Chase
Carson and Maya
Harper and Payton again. Harper is a whole four days older.
Keith and Sheila
Renee...stop crying!!

We did a scrapbook for her of pictures through the years.
We are going to miss you!