Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Got a Light?

We had a fun and busy weekend. Friday night Chuck and Jeni watched the boys so Keith and I could go have dinner (with Harper of course) at his partner Amy's home since Amy's last day with them is this Friday. We are all sad to see her go...she is my Dr and the kids so now I guess we needs a new one. Chuck and Jeni picked them up early on Friday and took them to Monkey Business and I think they had a good time. Saturday is a blur...what we did I don't know but we did go to a BBQ at a neighbors house and that was fun. The boys had a wonderful time playing with all the kids. Sunday we enjoyed another BBQ with other friends, kids and more water activities...are you seeing a trend here? The boys also got thier first pair of flip flops this weekend. They are so proud, those and the hats Chuck and Jeni got them from the zoo. They are quit stylish between their fancy hats, flip flops and glow in the dark shirts Monga sent them.

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